Monday, December 8, 2008

OK OK OK I'll update already

I went to Chicago for Thanksgiving, and it wasn't as bad as I thought it might be. I actually had a little fun. I wanted to go shopping for a Chicago Bears hoodie but never really made it that far. Got back last Monday, and had to catch up on all the house work and errands that being gone for 6 days left me with.

I had yet another biopsy on Tuesday and pretty much went off on my surgeon for making me play the waiting game for weeks with all these damn test results so she ordered this one STAT and rather than waiting 3 weeks I waited 3 hours. Turns out she found MORE cancer cells so I go back in this Thursday for........ More tests. (God save me) I'm pretty damn down about all this, because I was supposed to be declared in remission this month and able to go back to work. I am so fed up with being sick all the time and bouncing back and forth between all these doctors and the tests and surgeries and treatments........ It's really starting to break me. Everyone wants to support the fight against cancer, but no one supports the fighter. It's a pretty lonely place to be.

Thursday, I took Maddy to get her first filling at the dentist, and she was so brave. That little girl makes me so proud to be her momma. All the assistants were very impressed with how well she did.

And now...
I need to start my x-mas shopping...
I'm extra broke this year so I haven't even started yet. It's depressing. I miss having money and not having to struggle for everything so hard.
Somehow Santa will make it . It always works out somehow right?

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