Friday, November 14, 2008

yaay new hair cut


Anonymous said...

Ohhh, how cute darling....

I love that picture of you, you look soooo happy... :)

Ciao baby,

bacteria said...

dear lucy, whatever u do on ur hair, its really look nice coz ur a wonderful woman. there..

jiggins said...

VEry NIce.

snowroses said...

Hello, that's a nice haircut. I'm going to cut my hair soon too.

Lola Enchanted said...

Hello! I saw your comment on Jesse's blog and thought I'd check ya out!!! Not sure what your hair looked like before, but it's just smashing my dear!!!

Have a great day..

Anonymous said...

Hi I am going to be sending you an award as a result of posting your outside the box comment on my blog. I just wanted to see if I had bloggers with your type of love. Thanks sooo much

God bless you darling

Amelia said...

Looks good! *M*