Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Let there be light!

Due to hurricane Ike hitting OHIO (yes I said hurricane and Ohio) We have been without power since early Sunday. It came back on about 20 min. ago. It's always fun to figure out that if the power goes out that means your apartment building has no water... Yesterday I had to drive nearly an hour to a gas station to buy food, medicine, and drinks. So now is the matter of throwing out all the food in my house that went bad, and trying to figure out how to afford more when my grocery budget has already been spent. I'm also gonna run by Geoff's in a bit to clean out his fridge so his place doesn't get all funky while he's out of town. I'm just sweet like that.

Maddy's school is canceled again today, she's bummed. And bored. Which means shes driving me up a wall.

Fun Fun

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