Monday, September 29, 2008

Happy Birthday Maddy

My baby had her 5th birthday party on sunday. She had a blast. I got her a goldfish and a little tank for him to live in. She named him "Swimmy."

Friday, September 26, 2008

Update: AWWWW

Geoff brought me a care package.


I'm soooo sick.
I think I have Bronchitis.
I am in serious need of a cup of tea and a nap.
Too bad I have to do all my daughters birthday shopping today.
Anyone wanna trade lives just for one day?

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


My collarbone hurts. Anyone know how to get rid of an ugly bruise?

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Mobile Blogging

I got the sweetest phone EVER!!!
Expect lots of random pics and videos in the near future.
I'm waaay excited.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Abusing of the rib

This song is like looking into a mirror...

I wanna follow the footprints across my lover's stomach
I wanna call out her name before I plummet
I wish I had a map of the terrain so I could step around the landmines,
Avoid the beasts under the bed that bring they bad times
I wanna find this here so-called treasure:
The pleasure, the trinkets, the never-ending weekends
Acknowledging that I'm still just a piece of the sequence
But seeing this different footprints got me needin' to show my weakness
Timelines, the time zones
I cross them with my eyes closed
Memorize the landmarks and learn the cycles
The weather patterns how the seasons affect
The east and the west of each region learn the cycles
Forget about the fact that
Many trails have been tracked
Maybe it's a plus that there's a path
If this was some uncharted land I'd have to be a smarter man
Willing to travel the farthest to unravel the harvest
The natural resources are unlimited
Exploration only requires some desire and initiative
Take your time and find the right way to climb
It ain't safe to play games with natures mind

If I could show you, you would never leave it, never
And if I could show you, you would never leave it, never
And if I could show you, you would never leave it, never
And if I could show you, you would never leave it, never
If I could show you, you would never leave it, never
And if I could show you, you would never leave me!

I wanna ride a train up my lover's arm
Destination the brain to climb out and find out what's going on
Cut through trees and ride through rocks
And synchronize the universal sundial to my watch
I've seen a lot
But not quite as much as her
To top it off the memory and her imagination blur
I know she's been put through hell
I can feel it
And I know she's touched heaven as well
Trying to steal it
It came on and it taught her the song
Strung her along and it caught her when that guard was gone
Now to the break of dawn she wants to feel that fix
And all the family and friends is trying to seal them lips
I'm not dumb
I can hear that train come from miles away
I'm setting obstacles to stop the arrival
Gonna blow up the iron and wood road
From what I understood those be the orifice of her survival
My recital
Yet another tantrum
Because she's highly excitable
Swinging moods at random
No happy endings always off to a bad start
Voyeurism to the trackmarks...

And if I could show you, you would never leave it, never, nah
And if I could show you, you would never leave it, never
And if I could show you, yo, you would never leave it, never

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

The only guarantee in life, is a life worth dieing for...

I get the distinct impression that I am out of sight out of mind.
I can't seem to make myself into anything that is enough for anyone.
I lack some essential quality to make any other person satisfied with me or happy.

It's so hard to convey who I truly am to anyone when who I truly am is locked so fucking deep in my head that I can barely communicate with myself.
I'm so stupid.
I never learn my lesson.
Time and time again I let someone in and make myself completely vulnerable to another person, dive head first and break my back doing everything I know to make them happy and be the best person I can all for the sake of someone else's happiness.
It always has the same ending.


Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Let there be light!

Due to hurricane Ike hitting OHIO (yes I said hurricane and Ohio) We have been without power since early Sunday. It came back on about 20 min. ago. It's always fun to figure out that if the power goes out that means your apartment building has no water... Yesterday I had to drive nearly an hour to a gas station to buy food, medicine, and drinks. So now is the matter of throwing out all the food in my house that went bad, and trying to figure out how to afford more when my grocery budget has already been spent. I'm also gonna run by Geoff's in a bit to clean out his fridge so his place doesn't get all funky while he's out of town. I'm just sweet like that.

Maddy's school is canceled again today, she's bummed. And bored. Which means shes driving me up a wall.

Fun Fun

Thursday, September 11, 2008

For fuck's sake....

This country has gone to hell.

Sarah Palin.... Really? Seriously?

I don't even know where to begin, but I can honestly say for the first time in my life I am scared of what is to become of us.

If McCain gets elected I'm movin to Ireland.


Maddy went to the doc and had to get 4 booster shots. No fun. Momma got her some ice cream tho so it's all better now.

My little girl has grow so fast! She's going to be 5 this month. She's in kindergarten now! Makes me feel old. :(

I got some Vitamin Water "Rescue" today and I'm officially addicted! Seriously delicious stuff.

Speaking of addiction, I'm all over some Mario Party on my DS this week too.

And now I think I'ma light my Chocolate Cupcake candle and read my book.

I'll update more later.
