Obama wins!
I know I personally am relieved. I was truly afraid that the G.O.P. had bought themselves another term. This country is not comprised of old rich white men, it is full of people who are seriously struggling to get by. People are losing their homes, getting laid off and can't find work, having to make the decision to not eat today so the kids have food, are suffering from serious illness and can't afford to see a doctor, and if the car hasn't been re-po'd yet they can't afford to drive it anyway... The last thing we needed was to have a man who has so many houses he can't list them all off the top of his head and someone who sees fit to spend millions of dollars on fucking clothing making decisions for a country that is hanging on by a thread. And that's not to mention his shaaaaady ways. Now this is just my personal opinion but if the republican party had spent the amount of money just that they put toward Sarah Palin's wardrobe on giving to struggling communities in the public eye they could have had this hook, line, and sinker...
Sarah Palin.... good god....
For the first time in about 6 years I have hope. Everything might be ok after all. My man has a huge job ahead of him and is starting out swimming thru such a horrendous mess the likes of which most of us have never seen in our life time... But I have faith in him and truly believe if anyone can do it, it's him.
Now I know politics tend to bring out the worst in people, and I understand not everyone is in the same situation as me. So, my friends if you are reading this and disagree please feel free to comment and tell me why. But, I am looking at this thru the eyes of a 23 yr old single mother to a child in a shitty school system, I can't find work to save my soul. I can't afford child care. And as some of you know I am currently battling cancer, and can only afford bare minimum treatment because my health insurance doesn't cover cancer for fucks sake. I am living on my ex's couch so my daughter has a roof over her head. My prescriptions alone each month would cover most people's car payments, not to mention my co-pays for my 5 fucking doctors. So chew my ear off all you want, and I will listen with an open mind... But I did right by me and mine and got the outcome I was praying desperately for.